Monday, March 3, 2025A business owner's policy is your one-stop resource for effective insurance coverage. Because your BOP combines general liability and business property coverage, it’s both efficient and valuable. Still, how can you make it worth the price? To get the most out of this coverage, focus on price efficiency. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 3, 2025Everyone can benefit from saving a few bucks whenever possible. And, while car insurance is necessary—both to meet state requirements and for your own financial security—it would be helpful to pay less for it. Your auto insurance premium is calculated using a variety of factors, but, luckily, there are things you can do to reduce your rate. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 6, 2025If your business burnt to the ground, would you be prepared to face the aftermath? Apart from the obvious expenses of rebuilding the physical structure and replacing destroyed equipment, you must also suffer the consequences of an interruption of revenue generation. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 9, 2024A good biker is also a responsible one. Motorcycles are very sensitive vehicles, and they require specialist attention. If you own a motorcycle, you likely devote a considerable amount of time to your bike. If you fail to maintain the bike, risks facing both you and the bike increase. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 4, 2024A fireplace provides ambiance and relaxation to many households. But with fire, there are also inherent dangers. To combat the risk of fire or inhalation of dangerous carbon monoxide (CO) gas, it is important to make chimney care part of your home maintenance plan. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 7, 2024Way before your teen gets behind the wheel, he or she begins driving mentally and watch what you and others are doing while driving. In this way, he or she can get a good idea about driving, then finesse his or her skills with practice. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 2, 2024Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don't get much press, but they can still cause accidents. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 5, 2024When the power goes out in the winter, homeowners become concerned about their house getting too cold. The health of family members is an issue. In addition, pipes could freeze and burst, causing significant damage to the home. Many families rely on generators to keep their home warm when the power fails. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 1, 2024Planning ahead for retirement can be complicated and confusing. That’s why you need to do your research about savings vehicles, including annuities. Learn more by reading on. What’s an annuity? An annuity may be a viable option for your retirement financial security. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 3, 2024Who needs life insurance? Almost everybody does. The bottom line is, if someone will have to use their own money to pay your bills when you are gone, then you need life insurance. This applies to people in the following situations: If you are married, you need life insurance. READ MORE >>
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